Everything and Space Theme

The idea behind our book choices this round was that each round we need a theme, and this round's theme is that we are reading books that end with the word "everything"??? And they're both about science, science fiction, and space. Not really a normal read for any of us, I think, but it should be fun -- we can all pretend to be A/V geeks for a month. It is the "Geaky" book club after all. Read and post away!!


A Short History of Nearly Everything - Caitlyn

I really like how he writes, but so far all the information was in my first Alien test, so I'm waiting for new info...


Manda said...

For those of you who don't know this already, Caitlyn is taking a gen-ed science class at USU called "Intelligent Life in the Universe." Weird gen-ed offering, don't you think?

Erika Ellis said...

I still think her class on poetry by depressed women is an even weirder class!....if weirder is a word.